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Caramelized nutpie

Last Monday it was Valentine's day and usually I do nothing special for that day, but now it seemed a good idea to treat myself and my family with some homemade sweets. Now I am not a very experienced baker so I am not comfortable to experiment myself, and I always follow a recipe. With baking it is also more precize, and so I found this delicious recipe for caramelized nutpie by kookmutsjes.

De enige goede bakvorm die ik heb is 28 cm en daar zie ik altijd wel wat tegenop, omdat dat altijd zo'n grote lap deeg nodig heeft. Misschien toch een idee om een keer een kleinere bakvorm te kopen :). Maar na wat proberen en met 'hulp' van mijn kleine man is het toch gelukt. Het maken van de vulling was niet heel erg moeilijk en smaakte zo ook heel erg goed :D.

After baking the pie came the best part, sharing it with my loved ones. The pie is absolutely delicious and even Thomas is eating parts of it, this is the first pie I have baked that he actually eats, so I am a superhappy and proud mom.

Moeilijkheid Intermediate
Voorbereiding: 30 mins Kooktijd: 45 mins Wachttijd: 30 mins Totale tijd: 1 hr 45 mins
Porties 18
  • 475 g flour
  • 240 g butter
  • 230 g caster sugar
  • 15 g vanilla sugar
  • snufje salt
  • 2 eggs
  • Vulling
  • 400 ml cream
  • 55 g brown caster sugar
  • 35 g caster sugar
  • 40 g honey
  • 25 g vanilla sugar
  • 400 g nuts
  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Slightly beat the eggs. Knead the flour, butter, caster sugar, vanilla sugar, salt and three quarters of the egg in a deep bowl to a dough. Wrap the dough in cling film and put in the fridge for about 30 minutes.

  2. Bring the cream together with the brown caster sugar, caster sugar, honey and vanilla sugar in a saucepan with a heavy bottom. When the sugar is dissolved, add the nuts and cook it gently for 5 to 8 minutes.

  3. Split the dough in two parts (about 2/3 and 1/3). Dust the worksheet with flour and roll the larger amount of dough into a square of 31x31 cm. With help of the rolling pan, place the sheet of dough into the 28 cm baking tin and gently fold it in. Press the dough in the tin. 

  4. Dust the wok sheet again with some flour and roll the small amount of dough. Cut the dough into strips. 
    Spread the nut filling evenly on the dough and top with the strips of dough in a checkered pattern. Coat the dough strips and the edges of the pie with the remaining egg mixture. Bake the cake in the oven for about 45 minutes,