For most of the people close to me it's not a secret that over the last few years I have tried to live healthier step by step. I try to rest frequently, to have fitting workouts on a regular basis and also to eat healthier.

Het gezonder eten is een hele zoektocht en ik moet eerlijk zeggen dat het niet altijd even goed lukt. De laatste maanden gaat het steeds beter met de gezondere maaltijden en ook tussendoor eet ik vooral veel fruit. Toch vind ik het ook wel eens lekker om iets anders bij mijn kopje thee te hebben ‘s avonds.

Because of that I started searching for healthier evening snacks some time ago. I had some recipes bookmarks and after that I didn't look at them for a while. Last week I got a question from the lifestyle program I am following to think about healthier snacks, that's why I took a look at my bookmark list again. From that list I chose this oatmeal cookie with apple and cinnamon from Natalie’s Health, because this looks a lot like the healthy breakfast I frequently eat. I really like the combination of flavours, so they also seemed nice to me in a cookie.

Making this cookie is quite simple and not a lot of work. Shaping the cookie into a nice form was a challenge, that's why I left them a little bit chunkier and rustic :). I have baked this batch for 12 minutes and they did cook well and turn out chewy, which is really nice. If you like crunchy cookies, they might need a little longer in the oven.

Apple cinnamon oatmealcookies

Difficulty Beginner Preparation 10 minutes Cooking time 15 minutes Total time 25 minutes
Servings 12



  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Mix in a bowl the dry ingredients - flour, oats, baking powder, salt and spices. Mix in a separate bowl the wet ingredients - egg, oil, vanilla and maple syrup. Whisk until the ingredients are well combined. 

  2. Add the bowl of wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix well. Grate the apple into the mixture and add the raisins. Carefully stir these ingredients to into the mixture.

  3. Use a spoon to place small piles of the mixture onto a baking tray lined with baking paper. Shape the piles into round, somewhat flattened cookies. Ensure the cookies are 4-5 cm apart.

  4. Bake the cookies for 12 to 15 minutes in the preheated oven. When the cookies get out of the oven, they still will be soft. Let them cool on a cooling rack. The cookies will harden cooling down.


Source and inspiration: Natalie's Health

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